I knew that the bestate/b did not rank among the most splendid in Livonia, but it was one of the more prominent bestates/b in the northern part of Viljandi province, if not by virtue of the splendour of its manor, then by the number of b..../b Sergeant-major Zubov tried to elucidate what the connection was between the psyche and baldness, but was commanded to shut up; however, swallowing a piece of roast lamb, Zubov-bZubian/b expressed protest in the form of unbuttoning his uniform. ...
Santa Katalina bzubian/b eta Florancoenea Etxean, egun Aldundiaren eraikina den Mirakruz kaleko 32 zenbakian. Garai batean dunak ziren kaleetatik Uliara bidean. Zuhaizti ikastetxea dago. Frantziskotarren komentua izan zen. ... Hiriko bhotel/b onenek honaino ekartzen omen zituzten maindire eta toailak, ur bikainak omen zirelako. FERMIN MU?OZ, DONOSTIAKO KRONIKARI NEKAEZINA. Fermin Mu?oz Echabeguren (Donostia, 1922). Astean hiru aldiz joaten da Udal Artxibategira. ...